L ike many Americans, growing up I used to think that segregation was ended by the case Brown v Board of Education. When I started playing basketball in highschool and had the chance to see other schools, I quickly realized that that was not the case. Segregation is still around us and shaping our lives at all times even if we don’t see it. Watching “The Disturbing History of the Suburbs” opened my eyes to just how common segregation is in society today. As the video described the concept of redlining and how these policies created a wealth gap, I began to recognize just how large of a role location has on schooling and opportunities for success. He explained how in the 1930’s, FDR created loan programs to help people finance their homes by making colored coded maps indicating neighborhoods that are “good” and “bad.” Can you guess which neighborhoods the government labeled as good and bad? If you guessed that African Americans and...